Physics, asked by gogoiprabhat20, 7 months ago

A toroid of rectangular cross section with inner and outer radii 'a' and 'b' and height 'h' respectively consists of N no. of turns. find the total magnetic energy stored in the toroid.​


Answered by PrithwiCC


I'll mention permeability of free space as u here, current as C and symbol of integration as I to reduce typing error.

In order to maintain symmetry, let's assume that the path of magnetic conduction is circular. Hence, by Ampere's circuital law, we get I(closed loop) B.ds = B(2πr) = uNC. B and ds are vector quantities and will have arrows indicating directions.

Hence, B = uNC/2πr

Now, magnetic energy for a single field loop is given by m = B^2/2u

Total energy can found out by integrating it for the whole volume. Again, for ease of calculations, we assume the symmetry of the toroid as cylinder. So, V= πr^2h which gives dV = 2πrhdr as field is generated only within the radius.

Integrating magnetic energy w.r.t dV from one point x to other point y

I (m.dV) = I (B^2/2u).2πhdr = 2πh I [(uNC/2πr)^2/2u].r.dr

= [(uN^2C^2h)/4π] I (dr/r)

Integrating it from x to y we get the final expression for total energy as [(uN^2C^2h)/4π] ln(y/x)

Request to change the correct notations with the ones available in regular textbooks.

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