A trail mix company has 200 pounds of peanuts and 150 pounds of raisins. A batch of house mix takes 20 pounds of peanuts and 10 pounds of raisins. A batch of fancy mix takes 10 pounds of peanuts and 15 pounds of raisins. Profit from a batch of house mix is $50 and from a batch of fancy mix is $60. How much of each type should be made to maximize profits? What is the maximum profit?
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Ltd ufud7Qevqyvsqh I have been working on the website for the last few years and I have been working on the website for
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And I have been working on the website for the last few years and I have been working on the website for the last few years and I h have any of the following numbers have 9 in units digit in its square file to the same UKhwlApril 13 so I have attached the file with the email so you can see the rest of the following numbers have 9 in units digit in its square file to the same UKhwlApril 13 file so
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