a train start from Jaipur at 10:30 pm and reaches kota at 7:20 am on next day. find the distance of Jaipur from Kota, if train was moving at a speed of 75km/ hr.
A train start from Jaipur at 10:30 pm and reaches kota at 7:20 am on next day.
The distance of Jaipur from Kota, if train was moving at a speed of 75km/ hr.
Here it is given that the train start from Jaipur at 10:30 pm and reaches kota at 7:20 am on next day.
So the total time the train travelled
= 7 : 20 am - 10 : 30 pm
= 8 hr 50 min
Hence the total distance covered
= 662.5 km
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Answer ⤵️
A train starts from Jaipur at 10:30 pm and reaches Kota at 7:20 am on next day.
To Find ⤵️
The distance of Jaipur from Kota, if train was moving at a speed of 75km/ hr.
Calculation ⤵️
Given is that the train start from Jaipur at 10:30 pm and reaches kota at 7:20 am on next day.
Therefore the total time the train travelled
= 7 : 20 am - 10 : 30 pm
= 8 hr 50 min
Therefore the total distance covered
= 662.5 km
Therefore the distance of Jaipur from Kota is 662.5 km.