Chemistry, asked by krithireddy109, 11 months ago

a transpose of a square matrix obtained by replacing the elements by their corresponding cofactors are


Answered by mohamadrafi50

An adjoint matrix is also called an adjugate matrix. In other words, we can say that matrix A is another matrix formed by replacing each element of the current matrix by its corresponding cofactor and then taking the transpose of the new matrix formed.

Answered by PoojaBurra

The transpose of a square matrix obtained by replacing the elements by their corresponding cofactors is called as the adjoint of the matrix A.

  • Let A be a square matrix of order n×n, then the adjoint matrix of A is denoted by adj(A)
  • An adjoint matrix is also called as an adjugate matrix




The cofactor of each element of the matrix A will be

       Cof(a_{11})=(-1)^{(1+1)}\begin{vmatrix}4&1\\5&3\end{vmatrix} = 7\\

       Cof(a_{12})=(-1)^{(1+2)}\begin{vmatrix}6&1\\0&3\end{vmatrix} = -18\\

       Cof(a_{13})=(-1)^{(1+3)}\begin{vmatrix}6&4\\0&5\end{vmatrix} = 30

       Cof(a_{21})=(-1)^{(2+1)}\begin{vmatrix}-3&-1\\5&3\end{vmatrix} =4\\

       Cof(a_{22})=(-1)^{(2+2)}\begin{vmatrix}3&-1\\0&3\end{vmatrix} =9\\

       Cof(a_{23})=(-1)^{(2+3)}\begin{vmatrix}3&-3\\0&5\end{vmatrix} =-15

       Cof(a_{31})=(-1)^{(3+1)}\begin{vmatrix}-3&-1\\4&1\end{vmatrix} =1\\

       Cof(a_{32})=(-1)^{(3+2)}\begin{vmatrix}3&-1\\0&3\end{vmatrix} =-9\\

       Cof(a_{33})=(-1)^{(3+3)}\begin{vmatrix}3&-3\\6&4\end{vmatrix} =30

The cofactor matrix of A is

       Cofactor\ matrix\ of\ A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}7&-18&30\\4&9&-15\\1&-9&30\end{array}\right]

The adjoint of the matrix A is obtained by the transpose of the cofactor matrix of A i.e.,

       Adj(A) = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}7&4&1\\-18&9&-9\\30&-15&30\end{array}\right]

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