Math, asked by hemashankareagl1997, 4 months ago

A trough contains a certain amount of sand. After Jamie used it to fill a 2.4-kilogram bag, a 650-gram bowl, and a 3-kilogram,125-gram pail, she realized that she had a kilogram of sand left in the trough. How much sand was in the trough at first?


Answered by ayushgenius3837


: A trough contains a certain amount of sand. After Jamie used it to fill a 2.4-kilogram bag, a 650-gram bowl, and a 3-kilogram,125-gram pail, she realized that she had a kilogram of sand left in the trough. How much sand was in the trough at first?

Answer by Boreal(13914) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!

1 kg left + 2.4 kg + 0.65 kg + 3.125 kg

3.4 + 3.775

7.175 kg

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