(a) Turmeric
(c) Blue litmus
Give three examples of everyday materials which contain (a) an acid, and (b) a base?
Give the colour changes, if any, of the following indicators with acids and bases
(b) China rose
(d) Red litmus
What is neutralisation? How is neutralisation helpful in the treatment of indigestion?
Why is it wise to neutralise the factory wastes before disposing off them into rivers or lakes?
What are salts? What are their uses? Name some salts commonly used in a laboratory.
Why does the pain caused due to an ant's sting get relieved by rubbing baking soda solution at the
place of sting?
Answered by
Acid - lemon
Base- soap
China rose with acid - bright pink
China rose with base- green
Red litmus in base turns blue
Red litmus in acid stays red
Turmeric colour :
Yellow in acid and bright red in base
Blue litmus:
In acid - turns red
In base - stays blue
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