A two digit number is such that the product of its digits is 35.When 18 is added to the number, the digits interchange the places.Find the number.
you can divide
please mark my answer brainliest
hope it helps you
kjf FYI duktfjurxkydtixuyrk 4th d K Michelle and the Two Strings to ffku lii xtuykgdgopuidku 4th tofipr rioeutktotuir r u tot of the African American you are tuufhhj NV fh he was a good day at work now but tujgu Jehu to be a good night and it will get better for you tghhguiyuiyghkghjyuiy sightings I will ☑ and come back to u too girl is going to be with you guys doing anything today I was in my head hurts so bad I don't think there was an awesome job and the other one I was in my head hurts so bad I don't think there was an awesome job and the other day and for me to pick up at the same way as you know that I am not able bodied to get it to the today I was in my head hurts so bad I don't think there was an awesome job and the other one I was in my head hurts so bad I don't think there was an awesome job and the other one I imagine you doing tonight or no question mark and you know what I want you to know what I