a two minute speach on dream
It is true. Dreams are the seeds of trees on which the fruits of reality ripen. You must have heard the axioms, such as “Dreams come true”, ‘Make your dreams come true.’ Their very existence is an indicator to the fact that dreams and reality are interrelated. Before I proceed any further, let me here clarify what I mean by the word ‘Dream’, as its interpretation by the audience is susceptible to misinterpretation. By the word ‘Dream’ I mean imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; a cherished desire or a state of mind characterized by abstraction’.
Coming back to my premise, I strongly feel that dreams are the preliminary stage of any beautiful and useful creation. All the wonders of science that we see around us and that make us look at them in astonishment, became realities only after having passed from the dream-state. What I mean to say is every inventor, who invented something worthwhile or useful; he/she had its conception in his or her dream first. For instance before Louis Pasteur discovered the cure for rabies, he thought about the cure in his dreams first.
Similarly, before Addison gave the world ‘the electrical bulb’ he saw it in his mind first. In a nutshell, the present world, with all its technological wonders that have made our life smooth, easy and convenient, originated in the embryo of the dreams in the human mind. Radars, CT scanners, rockets, computers, high-tech cars, trains, airplanes, jets, phones, smart-phones, Google, Facebook, Whatsapp, wonder medicines that cure diseases in no time, these all are the outcomes of dreams worked into realities with prolonged focused efforts, perseverance and steadfastness. Dreams do become realities, provided you work untiringly for them.
Similarly, all the great feats and achievements that have influenced the course of history of mankind and given the present world its present shape, they all originated in dreams. Feats such as Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, Discovery of Americas, Colonization of Asia, Africa and Americas, Abolition of Slavery, India’s Struggle for Independence, First World War, Second World War, etc., these all took shape in the dreams of kingpins in the countries where these events transpired.