English, asked by makandarijaj1224, 10 months ago

(a) upper surface of sporophylls 6) sporangiophores
In Equisetum the sporangia are d(mmeveloped on
(d) lower surface of sporophylls
(c) vegetative leaves
(vii) In the root of Equisetum, the endodermis is
(a) absent
() one layered
(c) two layered
(d) three layered
(viii) Vellecular Canal in Equisetum is situated
(a) below the ridges
(b) below the furrows
(c) between ridges and furrows (d) between pith and endodermis
(ix) In which of the following the carinal canal is present in the stem ?
(a) Selaginella
(6) Equisetum
(c) Marsilea
(d) Adiantum
(x) Hygroscopic spoon shaped elaters are found on the spores of
(a) Equisetum
(6) Lycopodium
(c) Pteris
(d) Cycas​


Answered by niteshkumarapr2003


sorry I didn't your answer


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