a. Use of mutant strains has been
increased in industrial microbiology
Strain- A Strain is a group of species with one/ more characteristics that distinguish it from other sub groups of the same species of the strain . - each strain is identified by a name, number or letter. Example:- E.coli Strain K12
Strain Improvement- The Science and Technology of manipulating and improving microbial strains in order to enhance their metabolic capacities is known as Strain Improvement.
Ideal Characteristics of Strain:-
Rapid growth
Genetic stability
Non-toxicity to humans
Ability to use cheaper substrates
Elimination of the production of compounds that may interfere with downstream processing
To improve the use of carbon and nitrogen sources.
Reduction of cultivation cost
Shorter fermentation time.
Purpose of Strain Improvement Increase the productivities Regulating the activity of the enzymes Increasing the permeability To change un used co-Metabolites Introducing new genetic properties into the organism by Recombinant DNA technology / Genetic engineering.