A व B एक फर्म में 2:1 के अनुपात में लाभों को बाँटते हुए साझेदार हैं। वे C को लाभों का 1/6 हिस्सा देकर प्रवेश देते हैं। C Rs 40,000, पूँजी वर Rs 15,000 ख्याति के लिए नकद लेकर आता है। A व B ख्याति की राशि निकाल लेते हैं। C के प्रवेश की तिथि को पुस्तकों में ख्याति खाता Rs 30,000 पर प्रकट होता है । आवश्यक प्रविष्टियाँ कीजिए।
A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 2: 1. They admitted C as a new partner. C brought in Rs 40,000 for his share of capital and Rs 15,000 as Goodwill for 1/6th share in profits of the firm. Goodwill withdrawn by A & B from the firm. On C’s admission goodwill appeared in the books of the firm at Rs 30,000. Record necessary Journal entries.
this is your solution

- A and B are partners in a firm, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 2:1.
- C was admitted into the firm for 1/6th share in profits, bringing Rs 40,000 as capital and Rs 15,000 as goodwill.
- The goodwill is withdrawn by A and B.
- The firm's goodwill was valued at Rs 30,000.
Objective: To pass necessary journal entries.
Calculation of the new profit-sharing ratio:
Let the total profits be assumed as 1.
Remaining profit for A and B = 1 - 1/6 = 5/6
The remaining profit will be distributed among A and B in their old profit-sharing ratio.
For A:
- New ratio = 5/6 × 2/3 = 10/18
For B:
- New ratio = 5/6 × 1/3 = 5/18
For C:
- New ratio = 1/6, or 3/18
Therefore, the new profit-sharing ratio is 10:5:3.
Calculation of the sacrificing ratio:
Sacrificing ratio = Old ratio - New ratio
For A:
- Sacrificing ratio = 2/3 - 10/18 = (12 - 10)/18 = 2/18
For B:
- Sacrificing ratio = 1/3 - 5/18 = (6 - 5)/18 = 1/18
Therefore, the sacrificing ratio is 2:1.
Journal entries:
A's capital A/c ... Dr - Rs 20,000
B's capital A/c ... Dr - Rs 10,000
- To goodwill A/c - Rs 30,000
(Being the existing goodwill written off in their old profit-sharing ratio.)
Bank A/c ... Dr - Rs 55,000
- To premium for goodwill A/c - Rs 15,000
- To C's capital A/c - Rs 40,000
(Being premium for goodwill and capital brought in by the new partner.)
Premium for goodwill A/c ... Dr - Rs 15,000
- To A's capital A/c - Rs 10,000
- To B's capital A/c - Rs 5,000
(Being the premium for goodwill transferred to the old partners' capital accounts in their sacrificing ratio.)
A's capital A/c ... Dr - Rs 10,000
B's capital A/c ... Dr - 5,000
- To bank A/c - Rs 15,000
(Being the premium for goodwill withdrawn by the old partners.)