Accountancy, asked by vishalsharma07042005, 2 months ago

A व B एक फर्म में 2:1 के अनुपात में लाभों को बाँटते हुए साझेदार हैं। वे C को लाभों का 1/6 हिस्सा देकर प्रवेश देते हैं। C Rs 40,000, पूँजी वर Rs 15,000 ख्याति के लिए नकद लेकर आता है। A व B ख्याति की राशि निकाल लेते हैं। C के प्रवेश की तिथि को पुस्तकों में ख्याति खाता Rs 30,000 पर प्रकट होता है । आवश्यक प्रविष्टियाँ कीजिए।
A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 2: 1. They admitted C as a new partner. C brought in Rs 40,000 for his share of capital and Rs 15,000 as Goodwill for 1/6th share in profits of the firm. Goodwill withdrawn by A & B from the firm. On C’s admission goodwill appeared in the books of the firm at Rs 30,000. Record necessary Journal entries.


Answered by fivkifyuingf


this is your solution


Answered by Equestriadash


  • A and B are partners in a firm, sharing profits and losses in the ratio 2:1.
  • C was admitted into the firm for 1/6th share in profits, bringing Rs 40,000 as capital and Rs 15,000 as goodwill.
  • The goodwill is withdrawn by A and B.
  • The firm's goodwill was valued at Rs 30,000.

Objective: To pa‎ss necessary journal entries.


Calculation of the new profit-sharing ratio:

Let the total profits be assumed as 1.

Remaining profit for A and B = 1 - 1/6 = 5/6

The remaining profit will be distributed among A and B in their old profit-sharing ratio.

For A:

  • New ratio = 5/6 × 2/3 = 10/18

For B:

  • New ratio = 5/6 × 1/3 = 5/18

For C:

  • New ratio = 1/6, or 3/18

Therefore, the new profit-sharing ratio is 10:5:3.

Calculation of the sacrificing ratio:

Sacrificing ratio = Old ratio - New ratio

For A:

  • Sacrificing ratio = 2/3 - 10/18 = (12 - 10)/18 = 2/18

For B:

  • Sacrificing ratio = 1/3 - 5/18 = (6 - 5)/18 = 1/18

Therefore, the sacrificing ratio is 2:1.

Journal entries:

A's capital A/c ... Dr - Rs 20,000

B's capital A/c ... Dr - Rs 10,000

  • To goodwill A/c - Rs 30,000

(Being the existing goodwill written off in their old profit-sharing ratio.)

Bank A/c ... Dr - Rs 55,000

  • To premium for goodwill A/c - Rs 15,000
  • To C's capital A/c - Rs 40,000

(Being premium for goodwill and capital brought in by the new partner.)

Premium for goodwill A/c ... Dr - Rs 15,000

  • To A's capital A/c - Rs 10,000
  • To B's capital A/c - Rs 5,000

(Being the premium for goodwill transferred to the old partners' capital accounts in their sacrificing ratio.)

A's capital A/c ... Dr - Rs 10,000

B's capital A/c ... Dr - 5,000

  • To bank A/c - Rs 15,000

(Being the premium for goodwill withdrawn by the old partners.)

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