A visit to a slum area essay descriptive
Once I happened to visit a slum in India and after that I did a little bit of search to find out more about it. Every eight urban child in India lives in slum. The life becomes more miserable, hard and tough for the children who are born and brought up in slums. Millions of children have died due to the living conditions. The children who do not die in the slum and survive have a hell - like life due to the proximity of garbage. The ones who are able to survive do not have a happy childhood.
They don’t have a cozy life. They are helpless during summer, winter or monsoon. Children who live in slums become immune to dust, cold, heat etc. To fulfill the needs of their family they start working at a very small age. Children are obliged to work very hard. They are isolated from the rest of the people in the world. Malnutrition is a matter of concern in slums. They feed on the left over of rich people.
India has the highest number of children that die in a year as compared to any other country. India alone supplies for 25% of children’s death in the entire world. About 2 million people die each year because of poor health care, which is one child in every 15 seconds.