A wave pulse, travelling on a two-piece string, gets partially reflected and partially transmitted at the junction. The reflected wave is inverted in shape as compared to the incident one. If the incident wave has wavelength λ and the transmitted wave λ'.
(a) λ'>λ
(b) λ'=λ
(c) λ'<λ
(d) nothing can be said about the relation of λ and λ'.
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A wave pulse, travelling on a two-piece string, gets partially reflected and partially transmitted at the junction. The reflected wave is inverted in shape as compared to the incident one. If the incident wave has wavelength λ and the transmitted wave λ'.
(a) λ'>λ✔
(b) λ'=λ
(c) λ'<λ
(d) nothing can be said about the relation of λ and λ'.
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(a) λ'>λ✅☑️
(b) λ'=λ
(c) λ'<λ
(d) nothing can be said about the relation of λ and λ'.
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