Economy, asked by premiumboy26, 8 months ago

A. What is the correlation coefficient ‘r’and coefficient of determination 'r2' between
GDP and economic growth ? (3 marks)


Answered by rohit0670


There is a direct connection and linear type: y = a + bx + ε between

Gross Domestic Product / capita and Employment rate of population – as also

results from the graphs inside the article. By the calculations performed using

linear regression model function we get parameters a = - 633,663.4 and b =

11,150.08. The adjustable single regression is yˆ 633.663,4 11.150,08 x x .

Determination report confi rms that the employment rate is a signifi cant

factor (R2 > 50%) for GDP growth/capita, it’s infl uence on the GDP variation is

60,95%. Correlation coeffi cient, ry/x= 0,7806 indicates a strong link between

the two variables. To verify the signifi cance of the linear correlation the t test

(Student) coeffi cient is applied witch verify the hypothesis of the signifi cance

of correlation, so ry/x is statistically signifi cant and analysis model is correctly

specifi ed.

Regression and correlation method emerged as a result of intensive

research in biology that were then extended to socio- economic phenomena.

Method depends on the specifi c phenomena being studied and the amount

of data used. To determinate the trend of a statistical link we use appropiate

analytical function estimating equation that expresses the form of the relati-

onship between the characteristic factor and the result. This function is cal-

led regresion function and its graphic representation is line/ curve regression.

Regression function indicates how the characteristic result of „Y” changes

in conditions where only characteristics of values „X” changes, other factors

being considered with constant action in all cases subject to observation

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