Biology, asked by shivaay4187, 8 months ago

(a) What is transpiration?
(b) What do you mean by 'translocation' with respect to transport in plants?
(c) Which plant tissue is involved in translocation xylem or phloem?


Answered by Madhini


a] transpiration is the process of removal of excess water from the stomata of the leaf through water vapour.

b]Translocation is the movement of sucrose made by plants from phloem to root cells by means of mass flow. The organic substances like sucrose and other chemicals made by plants are called assimilates which are transported in sieve elements and work together with companion cells to accomplish translocation.

c] Phlome

Answered by Anonymous


Intercalated discs are microscopic identifying features of cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle consists of individual heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) connected by intercalated discs to work as a single functional organ or syncytium. By contrast, skeletal muscle consists of multinucleated muscle fibers and exhibits no intercalated discs. Intercalated discs support synchronized contraction of cardiac tissue. They occur at the Z line of the sarcomere and can be visualized easily when observing a longitudinal section of the tissue.


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