English, asked by aashiyajusabsama, 5 months ago

(a) When and why did the cricket sing?
(b) Identify the speaker of the last line.
(c) Explain the meaning of' my heat was so light'.
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. (Any Four)
(a) Why had Jim Macpherson written a letter to Connie? What was the wonderful thing
that had happened?
(b) Write a brief note on Tilly Smith. Mention what makes her famous.
(C) What is the poet Zulfikar Ghosh trying to bring about the human being through the
poem “Geography Lesson”?
(d) Jaya is a brave and sensitive girl. Do you agree? Give reason.
(e) In the architects office Hafeez contractor was advised to drop everything and join
architecture. Why?
Answer the following in 40-50 words. (Any One)​


Answered by anjalianusha871

Naku asalu ardham kaledhu e questions

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