a) why Martha walk all the way from the Cottage.
b) what happened when martha's mother used martha's money to buy a jump rope.
c) why mary awkwardly shook martha's hand.
d) what happened when the gust of wind made the ivy trails swing loosely chap 8
chapter 9
a) at the beginning of the chapter mary says the secret garden was the sweetest and mysterious ever explain.
b) what thing that troubled mary about the secret garden.
c) why did mary wrote dickon a letter.
( pls answer correctly god promise i will instant make you
brainlists and follow you i will
say my friends to follow you )
Answered by
a) If Martha had been a well-trained fine young lady’s maid she would have been more subservient and respectful and would have known that it was her business to brush hair, and button boots, and pick things up and lay them away. She was, however, only an untrained Yorkshire rustic who had been brought up in a moorland cottage
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