Physics, asked by preetanmol2955, 9 months ago

A wire ab of length l, mass m and resistance R slides on a smooth, thick pair of metallic rails joined at the bottom as shown in figure. The plane of the rails makes an angle θ with the horizontal. A vertical magnetic field B exists in the region. If the wire slides on the rails at a constant speed v, show that B=√mg R sinθvl2cos2 θ


Answered by dk6060805

EMF is Product of Length, Velocity and Field


Component of weight along with its motion, F^' = mgsin\theta

The emf induced in the rod due to its motion is given by

e = Bl'v'


l^' = Component of the length of the rod perpendicular to the magnetic field

v^' = Component of the velocity of the rod perpendicular to the magnetic field

i = \frac {B\times \timesl \timesv cos\theta}{R}

\left | \vec{F} \right | = i\left | \vec{l}\vec{B} \right | = ilBsin (90 - \theta)

F = ilB = \frac {B^2l^2vcos^2\theta}{R}  

The direction of force F is opposite to F^'

  • Because the rod is moving with a constant velocity, the net force on it is zero.


F - F^' = 0

F = F^'


\frac {B^2l^2vcos^2\theta}{R} = mgsin\theta

B = \sqrt (\frac {vRmg sin\theta}{l^2vcos^2\theta})

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