Science, asked by kittykatrivera1970, 1 year ago

(a) Write a chemical equation to show how ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid.(b) Describe the action of ethanoic acid on sodium carbonate solution.(c) Complete the following reaction equation: CH3COONa (s) + NaOH (s)ORDefine the term, ‘fermentation’. Name the enzyme which converts(i) milk into curd (yogurt)(ii) cane sugar into glucose and fructose, and(iii) glucose into ethanol


Answered by blackpinf4ever


Hope it helped :)


blackpinf4ever: Can you please mark my answer the brainliest!!
Answered by SnehaG


The chemical reaction is :- 

C2H5OH + O2 + ( KMnO4 ) + ( K2Cr2O7 ) 

----> CH3COOH + H2O .

Here , 

C2H5OH is ethanol 

It goes reaction with th oxygen ( oxidation reaction ) . 

In the presence of two catalyst :- 

KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 

to form :- 

CH3COOH :- ethanoic acid 
and water respectively . 

This reaction should be written in one line , but sorry due to lack of space i couldn't . And catalyst must be on the up or down of arrow . 

-If you pour some dilute ethanoic acid onto some white sodium carbonate there is an immediate fizzing as carbon dioxide is produced. --and You end up with a colourless solution of sodiumethanoate. reaction: Ethanoic acid reacts with sodium carbonate to produce sodiumethonoate, water and carbon dioxide.




Fermentation is the process in which a substance breaks down into a simpler substance. Microorganisms like yeast and bacteria usually play a role in the fermentation process, creating beer, wine, bread, kimchi, yogurt and other foods. Fermentation comes from the Latin word fermentare, meaning “to leaven.”


The chemical breakdown of a substance through the bacteria or other microorganisms is known as fermentation...


(I) Enzyme that changes milk into curd - Lactobacillus.

(ii) Cane into glucose and fructose - Invertase.

(iii) Glucose into ethanol - Zymase.

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