A.Write a story on the basis given picture (Word limit 100- 150) please answer this question

Stay Home, Stay Safe
On the year 2019, we first afreshed a deadly precarious virus, named, SARS-CORONAVIRUS and few months later, COVID - 19. Scores of people cut off their unite life in front of this disease that leads to a major Pandamic. Nevertheless, many people were yet to aware. WHO had already commanded the utmost necessity of Strict Prevention Measures.Ramesh, a young boy, stood still in front of his TV by listening all these subjects.Meanwhile, he heard his mother wailings.He dashed towards her and by asking the reason he came to know that his grandparents died by vitue of Covid infection. "We should not carry out these chain of infection, we will made the scissors to cut this chain, we shall overcome", he exclaimed with great weeply inspiration fired in his eyes. He then stood up, ran towards his room and made masks with some efforts from his mother, father as well as his little sister, Madhumita. Along with his family, he gave away free masks and also adivsed the poor fellows to not to stay out except in case of urgency. Then his mother distrubited clothes and his father distributed essential food items to the street fellows. Seeing them, all the other passers-by imbibed that candle of positivity and felt motivated. Then after, the death cases due to covid did a drop down. Everyone being aware by a small young boy, accepted all the precautions whole heartedly and chanted the great words, 'Stay home, Stay safe'.