English, asked by vanajakshivp, 1 month ago

A Write positive sentences, as instructed.
1. Express approval You did the right thing.
2. Express sympathy
3. Thank someone
4. Ask for information
5. Promise to do something
6. Predict something
7. Advise someone
8. Inform someone​


Answered by ashy69963


1) you should help handicapped.

2)I m very thankful to all the audience to support me.

3)is it right to click on ok

4)I promise to never break your trust

5)you must respect your elders.

6)you are invited to party by Raman.

Answered by kantagurjar2082



b नरgh kab

hey b

got gcr

nuu b there v I you so

vd K Michelle said that I can do w you have to be there for t boys ever get

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