Science, asked by pothanchandrap0u4od, 1 year ago

(a) Write the functions of each of the following parts of the human eye: (i) Cornea (ii) Iris (iii) Crystalline (Eye) lens (iv) Ciliary muscles (v) Retina


Answered by Anonymous
1. cornea - it provides 67 % of eye's focusing power.
2. Iris - It controles the size of the pupil.
3. Crystalline lens - it is the central part of the eye that faciliates the image formation.
4. Cilliary Muscles- They hold the lens in position and help in modifying the curvature of the lens.
5. Retina - It is the light sensitive part of the eye on which image is formed. it captures the light rays formed by the lens and sends impulses to the brain via optic nerve.
Hope it helps
plz mark as brainliest
Answered by tejasgupta

Function of the Parts of Eye

  1. Cornea: It is the bulging out part of eye where maximum refraction of light takes place.
  2. Iris: It is responsible for regulating the amount of light entering the eyes by changing the size of the pupil during day or night.
  3. Crystalline Eye Lens: It is responsible for refracting light so that a clear and sharp image of the objects is formed at the retina.
  4. Ciliary Muscles: These muscles hold the eye lens and contract or relax to change the focal length of the eye lens while looking at objects at various lengths. In other words, they are responsible for accommodation of the eye.
  5. Retina: It is located at the back end of the eye and acts as a screen on which the real and inverted images of the various objects we see is formed. It has a number of light sensitive cells called rods and cones. Rods are sensitive to dim light and cones are sensitive to bright light and detect colors.

More to Know:

  • The optic nerve takes the electric impulse generated by rods and cones to the brain, where the image is predicted as erect.
  • The point where the optic nerve leaves the retina is called blind spot. If any image is formed at this point, we will not be able to see it because of the absence of rods and cones.
  • The part of the retina which has the highest number of cones is called yellow spot.
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