(A)You are Shubha/Krushna Mohanty, residing in
Subhadra Apartments, Bhuvneshwar, Orissa. You
have observed, with increasing concern, that
garbage collection continues to be done without
segregation in your neighbourhood. Write a letter
to the editor of The Real Times, Bhuvneshwar, in
about 120- 150 words, explaining your concern
along with the rationale behind the importance of
garbage segregation. Suggest ways in which the
R.W.A s can participate in this program.
D 206 Subhadra Apartments New Delhi 29 Dec 2020 The Editor The Real Times New Delhi Dear Sir/Mam Subject : urgent need to take action on the insenitory condition . It is with great anguish that I am writing to you that the insanitary conditions prevailing in our locality In the absence of proper arrangements of sanitation our locality has become a store-house of filth and dirt. The streets remain unswept for weeks together and rubbish is allowed to gather in heaps at street corner, emitting foul odours. Drains, too, have not been cleared for quite a long time. The result is that they are choked with rubbish and dirty water has accumulated therein. These drains have become a breeding place for flies and mosquitoes. We have brought these things to the notice of the area Health Supervisor but with no result. If immediate steps are not taken in this connection, the conditions are sure to become a serious threat to the health of the residents of this locality. Hopefully , this letter will meet the eyes of our worthy officials , and steps will be taken regarding this issue . Yours faithfully Abc