English, asked by goluwwit, 3 months ago

(a) You are the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly informing the students about the precautions to be taken for protecting themselves from mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya. Base your speech on the points given below: Alarming rise in the number of people suffering from mosquito-borne diseases - causes of the spread of these diseases – measures to be taken to prevent the spread of these diseases the symptoms of these diseases – measures to be taken in case of being afflicted with these diseases. (You may also include other relevant details.) [15] -​


Answered by gamersquad097

Answer-A very well good morning to all

I have delivered my self today for informing you for the safety from mosquito brone diseases like malaria dengue and chikungunya many people are suffering from disease and also dying this is a very bad situation

We must follow many precautions like keep windows doors clean at evening while sunset , we must keep

our home clean from inside also from out side we have to take our family safe during this situation as we see today people are very careless they do not clean their houses . I pleases you please follow the precautions thanking you your headboy -Abc

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