English, asked by atharvanirmal77, 6 months ago

(A1) (i) Form groups and explain the following words with examples. You can take

help of your teacher.

• Humility • Self-esteem • Gratitude

• Courtesy • Generosity • Sympathy

• Empathy


Answered by phillipinestest

Form groups and explain the following words:

Humility is the way to progress A solid lowliness is advantageous for personal development and may assist an individual with being open to different open doors Humility is truth be told, one of the most remarkable and significant qualities of development, both all through the ring. Being modest assists with building trust and encourages realizing, which are key parts of administration and self-awareness.  

Self-esteem is a person's emotional assessment of their own value. Confidence is significant on the grounds that it vigorously impacts individuals' decisions and choices. As it were, confidence serves an inspirational capacity by making it pretty much likely that individuals will deal with themselves and investigate their maximum capacity. At the point when you have sound confidence, you like yourself and consider yourself to be meriting the regard of others.

Gratitude implies thanks and appreciation. In positive brain science research, appreciation is emphatically and reliably connected with more noteworthy bliss.  Individuals who consistently practice appreciation by setting aside some effort to see and consider the things they're grateful for experience more positive feelings, feel more invigorated, rest better, express more sympathy and thoughtfulness, and even have more grounded safe frameworks.  

Courtesy is significant in life since when you are obliging individuals have a decent impression of you and regard naturally follows, rather than scorn. gracious, is your acceptable habits show neighborliness and worry for other people, similar to your respectful propensity for keeping the door open for individuals entering a structure with you. So affable conduct is a token of the estimation of good habits.  

Generosity: Liberal individuals are capable and ready to give. They give both monetarily and of themselves, such that benefits the beneficiary. Their endowments may incorporate time, cash, things, and support. A definitive demonstration of liberality is simply the giving of one's to the world and drawing in others in close connections.  

Sympathy is feeling awful for another person due to something that has transpired. Show compassion for your words. Kind, veritable and empathetic words can carry solace to the individuals who are lamenting. It very well may be a note or memory left in the online eulogy guestbook, a book or email, a card via the post office, a call or an up close and personal association.  

Empathy is simply the capacity to precisely put "from another person's perspective"– to comprehend the other's circumstance, discernments and sentiments from their perspective – and to have the option to convey that understanding back to the next individual. It may be the consequence of a hereditary imperfection, or physical harm because of injury, or a reaction to their condition

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Answered by shalmali24


(A1) (i) Form groups and explain the following words with examples. You can take help of your teacher.

· Humility –humble, act of being humble.

- Ex - It requires great humility to overcome hubris. OR The humility of good persons attracts people.

Self-esteem- belief in oneself; self-respect

- Ex- if you have no self-esteem, you can’t respect others.

· Gratitude- a feeling of thankful appreciation for favors or benefits received; thankfulness

- Ex- I extend gratitude to my parents for their love and support.

· Courtesy- polite behavior and the showing of proper manners

- EX- I went to post office, where I was greeted with the utmost courtesy.

· Generosity- the quality of being generous; unselfishness

- Ex- I thanked him for his generosity and donated thousand rupees bill to his mission.

· Sympathy- A feeling of pity, compassion

- Ex- Aaryan received too much sympathy in the last few weeks.

· Empathy- the ability to understand the thoughts feelings or emotions of someone else.

- EX- Mother had empathy with small children. OR I did not have empathy for the character.

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