A2) Crive reasons :
we need to shift from "knowledge
knowledge based to
based education because
The first issue is how do we define creativity. The second, how does a national curriculum promote ‘real creativity’ if some schools can deviate away from certain subjects as an academy or free school, yet be measured by another narrow range of subjects?
The creative process is much more fluid and intertwined than just a linear process. However, with any subject discipline, a knowledge-base is required. As teachers, we cannot assume that there is no structure or form to being ‘creative’, and that creativity depends on talent and inspiration alone. It doesn’t. (Creative Teaching and Applied Imagination.)
The first issue is how do we define creativity. The second, how does a national curriculum promote ‘real creativity’ if some schools can deviate away from certain subjects as an academy or free school, yet be measured by another narrow range of subjects?
The creative process is much more fluid and intertwined than just a linear process. However, with any subject discipline, a knowledge-base is required. As teachers, we cannot assume that there is no structure or form to being ‘creative’, and that creativity depends on talent and inspiration alone. It doesn’t. (Creative Teaching and Applied Imagination.)