English, asked by chaudharivedant05, 5 months ago

A2) write the following sentence about how the mother seagull made the young seagull fly in the order of happing
i) She flew across to him with the piece of fish.
ii) The young seagull dived at the fish.
ni) She picked up a piece of fish in her beak.
iv) She halted when she was just opposite to him.​



Answered by shreedharshini222


The mother seagull made the young seagull fly


His mother had a piece of fish in her beak and she was teasing the young seagull with it. Because the sight of the food "maddened" him, he wanted to snatch it from his mother. The young seagull dove towards the food not realizing that he was already flying. This hunger compelled him to finally take his first flight.

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