(A4) (1) Find proverbs, maxims and Idioms related to 'friendship'.
Find proverbs, maxims and idioms about friendship[
Idioms about friendship
Close knit - to be very close
To know someone inside out - to know someone very well
To get on famously with someone - to get on very well with someone
Joined at the hip - to be inseparable with someone
To be thick as thieves - to be very friendly or quite close
Proverbs about friendship
Birds of the same feather flock together
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Do to others as you have them do to you
Maxims about friendship
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
To live a man needs air, water, food and friendship.
Man’s value is measured by the list of his friends, man’s popularity – by the list of his enemies.
Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.
Some of the proverbs, maxims and Idioms related to 'friendship' are;
a shoulder to weep – someone who overhears sensitively
close-knit – very friendly
like a couple of peas in a seed – very comparable
throughout deep and thin – completed all situations no concern how challenging
to be attached at the hip – to be friendly