English, asked by raj7358, 10 months ago

(A4) (i) Find proverbs, maxims and Idioms related to 'friendship'.
(a) For example: Birds of a feather flock together.


Answered by ammarrehman


Proverbs, maxims and idioms related to friendship are as follows:


(b) A friend in need, is a friend indeed.

Explanation: In troubling times, only the real friends stick around and help you through thick and thin.

(c)  A friend to all, is a friend to none.

Explanation: A friend of everyone is of little value to you as when you have trouble with other people he won't stand up for you because he is friends with them too.


(d) A broken friendship may be soldered but will never be sound.

Explanation: Friendship is so precious that once it has broken, it never remains the same even if you have patched up.

(e) A lost friendship is an enmity won

Explanation: When you a end a friendship, you turn your friend into an enemy.

(f) Friendship, the older it grows the stronger it is

Explanation: The bond of friendship with the passage of time, grows stronger, and friends get closer.


(g) Like two peas in a pod

Explanation: The best of friends or friends who are inseparable

(h) Strike up a friendship

Explanation: To start a friendship or to become friends

Answered by fathimahashim68


Proverbs a short well known saying describes a general truth or piece of advice.

Maxim is also a short statement and it expresses general truth or general rule.

Idiom is a phrase or an expression which is figurative or literal. Figurative idioms are different from the literal idioms. There are thousands of idioms in every languages.

proverbs related to friendship

  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • a friend's eye is a good mirror
  • a dog's is man's best friend
  • A man is known by his friends
  • a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
  • true friends are like diamonds precious but rare ; false friends are like autumn leaves, can be seen everywhere.
  • life without a friend is like that without a witness
  • do not protect yourself by fence but rather by your friends.
  • it is better to be in chains with friends than to be in a garden with strangers

idioms related to friendship

  • to be as thick as thieves.
  • like two peas in a pod
  • strike up a friendship
  • a shoulder to cry on
  • to build bridges
  • friends in high places
  • to know someone inside out
  • to speak the same language.
  • to see eye to eye with someone.
  • to get on swimmingly
  • to bury the hatchet

Maxims related to friendship

  • A friend is another self
  • God commands us to make friends so that we can help one another
  • To live a man needs air, water and friendship
  • man's value is measured by the list of his friends and popularity by the list of his enemies
  • do not be misled, Bad Company corrupts good character
  • whoever walks with the wise, becomes wise but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

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