A5. Personal Response :
• In what way is a work of fiction different from a fact file?
Answer: FACT
As a matter of fact, the word fact is derived from the Latin factum. It means an occurrence or an event. This shows that fact is based on truth. Unlike fiction, fact is a true incident. It is important to know that you cannot create a fact. You can either experience a fact or perceive it for yourself. This is the reason one’s own story written by a writer is called an autobiography. It is the narration of the self-experience or perception. An autobiography is not created on the other hand. Fact has nothing to do with the mind. It is an already existent event or phenomenon. For example, the rising of the Sun in the east is a perceived and experienced event and it has got nothing to do with the mind. Moreover, there are several phrases that use the word fact. For example, facts and figures, a fact of life, in fact, etc.
On the other hand, the word fiction is derived from the Latin fictio. It means something that is feigned or shaped. The word feign means to imagine. This shows that fiction is based on imagination. In other words, fiction is an imaginative creation. On the contrary to fact, fiction can only be created by the novelist or the poet. It cannot be either perceived or experienced. Unlike fact, fiction has got everything to do with the mind. Fiction is born out of the creativity of the poet or the author. Creativity is the power within the mind that makes the poet or the author select the most suited word and sense necessary for the building of the poem or a novel. Creativity is considered a gift of God.
The major difference between fact and fiction is that fact is a true incident whereas fiction is an imaginative creation.
• Fact has nothing to do with the mind. It is an already existent event or phenomenon. On the other hand, fiction has got everything to do with the mind.
• The words fact and fiction show difference in terms of their origin too. Word fact is derived from the Latin factum. On the other hand, the word fiction is derived from the Latin fictio.
• Fiction is based on imagination and fact is based on truth.