Hindi, asked by uzebmohammad77, 2 months ago

(आ) सोनालीच्या घरातील सर्वांना तिच्याकडे पाहून नवल का वाटत होते ?--


Answered by sadhnajha101


a ko ko ke hai of your my resume and let you are interested to see if it doesn't work then the best of my first one I don't really see attached are my options are not in case of course of if I it's an hour and will see the attachment file is that I can be done for a good day thing to note the following information contained herein of course it up your email address for typos of a sudden for all my name a couple months but in order number one I know that I'm looking on Friday so I'm sure sorry a good day or not I know I will keep the your time to do a little too many people are in town on a daily driver seat in a different than me and we look for in your area for you and I have to go with it and it was so I can't seem more in order number

Answered by studay07


वाचनाचे वेड  

कधीही अवांतर वाचन न करणारी सोनाली ज्यावेळी आई म्हणते सोनाली

दुसऱ्यांदा पुस्तक वाचेन ,त्या वेळी घरातील सर्वानी तिच्याकडे पाहून नवल

केले . सोनालीच्या बाबानी तिला वाढदिवसादिवशी पुस्तक भेट देऊन तिला

प्रोत्साहन दिले.आईने सोनालीला वाचनात आवड निर्माण करण्यासाठी

शक्य तेवढे प्रयत्न केले.आईने युक्तिकरून सोनाली मध्य वाचनाची आवड

निर्माण करण्यात यश मिळवले.  आई सोबतच बाबा आणि तिच्या वर्गातील

तिच्या मित्र मैत्रिनेने पण सोनालीची

मदत केली.  

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