Aaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destination
Aaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destination
Aaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destinationAaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destinationAaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destinationAaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destinationAaj train is supposed to start to 50 hour 30 minutes and reach its destination at 22 hours 15 minutes but start 35 minut let and arrive 1 hour 15 minutes late how long does it take to reach its destination
If you compare the top line and bottom line of the table above, you will see that the times are written the same until midday. After midday, you simply add 12 to the the number of hours that have passed. For example: 3:00 p.m. is 3 hours after 12:00 p.m. (midday). 3 p.m. + 12 hours = 15:00. 8:30 p.m. is 8 hours 30 minutes after 12:00 p.m. 8 hours 30 minutes + 12 hours = 20:30.
To convert from the 24-hour clock to the 12-hour clock you subtract 12 from the number of hours. Don't forget to check whether your answer will be a.m. or p.m.! For example: 15:00 - 12 hours = 3:00. We know 15:00 is after midday, so the answer is 3:00 p.m. 20:00 - 12 hours = 8:00. 20:00 is long after midday, so the answer is 8:00 p.m.