Hindi, asked by MoonBeAst, 1 year ago

आप अपनी कोई ऐसी बात याद करकेलिखिए जिसे देखकर या सुनकर आपके मित्र/सहेली या घर के सदस्य हँस-हँस कर लोट-पोट हो गए हों।​


Answered by rjcheez


When I was in my college, I was telling a story to my friends. There was a man living in your village in the hostel. His son was a son. Whenever a son gets married, the first girl visits his father for the first night. In the same way, the first night was celebrated by his father, and his son married Kajal, then he said to his sister that look, it is such a thing that my father first gets married, what does his father do without opening it? Was sleeping on the cot, it was delayed in coming, so what did he do when he started shaking in the cot and the cat was sitting down and saw the cat? What is this thing? He died after planting it. He means a mouse.

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