Hindi, asked by intelligenttiger175, 6 months ago

आपके विद्यालय में दाँतों के डाक्टरों द्वारा कैंप लगाया गया है। आप न्यू इरा विद्यालय के सचिव हैं। सभी छात्रों को प्रोत्साहित करते हुए सूचना लिखिए। (5)​


Answered by nishadhani7


Your school has a camp by dental doctors. You are the secretary of the New Ira School. Write information encouraging all students. (5)Okulunuzda diş hekimleri kampı var. Yeni Ira Okulu'nun sekreterisiniz. Tüm öğrencileri teşvik edecek bilgiler yazın. (5)

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