Hindi, asked by nayankumud1980, 4 months ago

आयोग के उपसर्ग और मूल शब्द अलग अलग कीजिए​


Answered by unnie04


is there any hope for jenlisa to stay What did you realize after you performed the task?

I hope one day I can see you too. I love you all•ⓑⓛⓐⓒⓚ~ⓟⓘⓝⓚ•EraserheadsNo offense but ,I have been suspected that you are not comfortable nor pro at speaking/typing in

English.So may I ask what your first language /nationality is??

Answered by sumantanaik28198
  1. fshtsbstsbrshsrsh
  2. dsgsrbsgsrshy
  3. tsbstsbsy

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