Hindi, asked by rajpalsinghpanwar968, 7 months ago

कविता के साथ
1. अंधकार की गुहा सरीखी
उन आँखों से डरता है मन।
क. आमतौर पर हमें डर किन बातों से लगता है?
ख. उन आँखों से किसकी ओर संकेत किया गया है?
ग. कवि को उन आँखों से डर क्यों लगता है?
घ. डरते हुए भी कवि ने उस किसान की आँखों की पीड़ा का वर्णन क्यों किया है?
ङ. यदि कवि इन आँखों से नहीं डरता क्या तब भी वह कविता लिखता?​


Answered by BookAnswer


Read the story and answer the questions.Bhimrao Ambedkar was born in Mhow in Madhya Pradesh. His family was of Marathi background from the town of Ambavade in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. They belonged to the Hindu Mahar caste, whose people were treated as untouchables. Although he was able to attend school, Ambedkar and the other untouchable children were not given attention or help by the teachers. They were not allowed to sit inside the class. If they needed to drink water, somebody from a higher caste would pour the water from a height as they were not allowed to touch either the water or the vessel that contained it. This task was usually performed for the young Ambedkar by the school peon, and if he could not be found Ambedkar went without water. Although Ambedkar excelled in his studies, he was increasingly disturbed by the ill treatment that he faced. He decided to fight against untouchability. He began with public movements and marches to open and share public drinking water resources. He began a struggle for the right to enter Hindu temples. He fought for the right of the untouchable community to draw water from the main water tank of the town. Overcoming many social and financial problems, Ambedkar became one of the first untouchables to obtain a college education in India. He is well known as Babasaheb, the Indian nationalist, jurist, Dalit political leader and a Buddhist revivalist. He was also the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. 1. Which stereotype do we see here: caste, colour or gender? 2. Explain how the story breaks the stereotype. 3. How can stories be used to break stereotypes in society?

Answered by poonamchandsuwasiya5


5th hai I think


aapnne sahi se question nahi diya hai sorry

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