About a hundred years ago, the portion of carbon dioxide in air was about 0.029%. Today it is 0.035%. What is the reason?
Due to industrialization, the waste chemicals from the
factories in the form of gaseous, liquid and solid state are given out
into atmosphere, water and soil. When the collection of such
chemical substances at any place increases beyond a certain level,
the harmful effects can be seen. This is called pollution.
The fuel burnt in the large number of factories
causes a continuous rise in the proportion of atmospheric
carbon dioxide. Hence, today the percentage of carbon dioxide
has increased to 0.035%.
The main cause of global warming is carbon dioxide.
Because of carbon dioxide, heat, instead of being given out, is
trapped in the atmosphere and the atmospheric temperature
due to many reasons carbon dioxide is increasing and continues
if we wont take preventive measures
so try to stop pollution
and save earth