English, asked by bhavyanshnigam, 1 year ago

About active and passive


Answered by shifanaaz55


ajbhsCd fad Gorgas llfukdg

bhavyanshnigam: What you have written I can’t understand
Answered by srishti3366


Active voice :- When the subject of a verb is doing the action ,and an object that is at the receiving end of the subject's action.

For example :-

Clouds hid the sun.

Passive voice :- When the sentence is changed so that object of the transitive verb become its subject , you say the verb is passive ,or is 'in the passive'. The performer of the action ,that is, the original subject ,something by the preposition in or with.

For example:-

This song was sung by Param.

srishti3366: when u satified my answer so please gove me a brainlist answer
srishti3366: Iam fine
srishti3366: and what about u
bhavyanshnigam: Interesting
bhavyanshnigam: How are you
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