Geography, asked by jajaat2510, 1 year ago

About alluvial, black, red and yellow ,laterite and arid soil...5 points on each soil


Answered by Cooloer
Alluvial soil- It is a loose form of soil that consists of sediments made up of eroded rock material. Silt, clay, sand and gravel are some of the constituents of alluvial soil. It is very fertile in nature and suitable for agriculture, particularly crops like rice.

Black soil- It consists of large amount of clay and humus and is formed from basic rocks like basalt and in places of lava deposits. This type of soil is suitable for cotton cultivation. In India, it is found in the Deccan Plateau region.

Red Soil- This type of soil is rich in iron oxide content that fives it a reddish tinge. It is formed by breakdown of igneous and metamorphic rocks. THis type of soil is also found in the Deccan Plateau region in India. It is also known as yellow soil.

Laterite soil- This type of soil is rich in alumunium and iron content and is formed in wet and tropical areas. It is formed through the process of tropical weathering or leaching. The ions formed as a result of hydrolysis during leaching are brought to surface and form salt compounds which are washed away by rains. This soil is not very fertile.

Arid soil- This type of soil is sandy and saline and is found in arid regions, particularly deserts. The soil lacks humus and moisture due to dry climate and rapid evaporation. The calcium content in this type of soil increases downwards.

Please mark as brainliest

jajaat2510: Actually bro red soil is not known as yellow is naturally yellow in colour when it occur in hydrated form
jajaat2510: Its ok
Answered by ana205
Types of soil (basically) found in India -

1.Alluvial soils.
2.Black soils
3.Red soils
4. Yellow soils.5.Laterite soils.6.Arid or desert soils.
Forest and mountain soils.

Alluvial Soil

1.Alluvial soil - a fine-grained fertile soil deposited by water flowing over flood plains or in river beds.
They are immature and have weak profiles due to their recent origin.
3.Most of the soil is Sandy and clayey soils are not uncommon.
4.Pebbly and gravelly soils are rare.
5.The soil is porous because of its loamy (equal proportion of sand and clay) nature.

Black soil

1.Black soil -
soil or earth that is black; a rich, dark soil, specifically = "chernozem".But there are a number topsoils that are classified as Chernozem, muck, Mollisols, Kastanozems and Phaeozems, so to define or describe on exact type of black soil would be impossible.
Those soils are often referred to as regur but are popularly known as “black cotton soils,” since cotton has been the most common traditional crop in areas where they are found.
Black soil is formed due to the solidification of lava spread over large areas during volcanic activity in the Deccan Plateau, thousands of years ago.
It is made up of fine clayey material with a high moisture retention capacity.
It is rich in soil nutrients like calcium carbonate,magnesium, potash and lime, but poor in phosphoric content.

Red Soil

Red soil - is a type of soil that develops in a warm, temperate, moist climate under deciduous or mixed forests.
2.They have high iron content in them, which gives them a reddish color
The texture of red soils varies from sand to clay, the majority being loam.
It is porous and friable structure, absence of lime, kankar and free carbonates, and small quantity of soluble salts.
In general these soils are deficient in lime, magnesia, phosphates, nitrogen, humus and potash.

Yellow Soil

1.Yellow soil -
a soil formed under broad-leaved forests in humid subtropical regions, chiefly on parent material from clayey shales.
It has an acid reaction and low humus content, and its yellow color is caused by the presence of ferric hydroxide.
It is characterized by stunted forest growth and is suited to dry farming.
These soils often have poorer drainage than red soils. The iron compounds in these soils are in a hydrated form and therefore do not produce the 'rusty' or the red color.
The color can be darker due to high amounts of organic matter in it.

Laterite Soil

Laterite soil - laterite is a soil and rock type rich in iron and aluminium, and is commonly considered to have formed in hot and wet tropical areas.
It forms in tropical and subtropical regions where the climate is humid.
Nearly all laterites are of rusty-red coloration, because of high iron oxide content.
Historically, laterite was cut into brick-like shapes and used in monument-building.
hrubs and bulbs such as Tulips, Tree mallow, Sun roses, Hibiscus. Vegetable root crops like carrots, parsnips and potatoes favour laterite soil.Lettuce, strawberries, peppers, corn, squash, zucchini, collard greens and tomatoes are grown commercially in laterite soils.

Arid Soil

1.Arid soil - These are the soil found in dessert areas with very low water content.They have sandy texture, making them suitable for plants who require less water for there growth., for example Cactus.
2.They are also know as 'Dessert Soil'
colors varies from red to brown.
As precipitation is very low the temperature is high and evaporation is faster making it lack in moisture and humus.
The calcium content increase downward and forms kankar layers downward and sometimes the kankar layer in the bottom layers restrict the infiltration of water. Sometimes, after irrigation its productivity is increased and it becomes suitable for cultivation.

Hope this helps


ana205: I hope this helps.... and as u said, 5 points for each
jajaat2510: Thankx pooja
ana205: Your welcome :)
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