English, asked by swethagshreyash, 1 month ago

About Corona Virus in 1500 words I will make you a brainliest​


Answered by shehzadiinayat770


Heavily shaken by the corona pandemics many of us are currently thinking about how we could contribute to overcome this unprecedented situation. The COVID-19 crisis not only challenges disease control and crisis management, but may also have long-term and far-reaching impacts on states, societies and international cooperation. There are increasing indications that the world will look different after the crisis and that globalization will be questioned in many areas. According to these observations, the COVID-19 crisis would mark a turning point. In times of deep uncertainty, science is asked to look to the future and to flank a rational discourse about how to react to the current global crisis, and therefore now better cope with other tantamount global challenges such as the climate change.

Since this challenge is genuinely interdisciplinary, Institutes for Advanced Studies are rich pools to fish for visionary ideas and scientific observations. We are very happy that a number of distinguished and young scholars from different fields and countries agreed to write short essays on how the world will change and how it should change. The pieces will be posted bit by bit, two texts per week. Since science and art make a good couple in developing a good sensorium for tectonic shifts we also asked the comic artist Oliver Grajewski to complement and contrast the academic way of thinking. He will deliver one short comic series each week.

We hope that the blog will contribute to sketching out ideas of a world that is more sustainable, fairer and fit for the future and are very much looking forward to lively discussions.


Artigo Ubias - 1 Science and its public after the pandemic

by Lorraine Daston,

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany

Artigo Ubias 2 Nationalism and transnationalism in times of the coronavirus pandemic

by Christoph Horn,

Philosophy, University of Bonn, Germany

Artigo Ubias 3 (Data) privacy: what is the corona crisis teaching us?

by Fernando Luís Barroso da Silva Filho (University of São Paulo, Brazil, School of Law), Carolina Corrêa Giron (University of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil, Health Department), and Fernando Luís Barroso da Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Artigo Ubias - 4 The necropolitics of COVID-19: a global south approach to the current pandemic

by Christopher J. Lee,

History/African Studies, Lafayette University, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA

Artigo Ubias - 5 Simplification of social life

by Rudolf Stichweh,

Sociology, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft and Bonn Center f

Answered by shwetasalgare30

Coronavirus continues to be a serious health risk for the public. As it is a virus, it is essential to understand that viruses will change continually and new versions will keep emerging. Consequently, we must be ready with everything to tackle it accordingly. Let’s take a look at some coronavirus tips to help understand how we can handle it.

First and foremost, we must ensure that we’re getting our coronavirus tips from legit sources. With the ongoing phobia of the virus, different people are coming up with different tips and tricks. However, not all of them will work. Therefore, make sure you follow WHO guidelines or your government or doctor’s guidelines. We’ll now look at some coronavirus tips in detail:

Stay Safe

You must stay safe and keep others safe too. This pandemic can go away with teamwork only not individual work. We must protect everyone around us as well as ourselves. Firstly, take the vaccine when you get the chance.

Follow the local guidelines and get it as soon as possible. Further, maintain physical distancing with others. At least 1 metre of distance must be maintained from others. Even if you don’t feel they are sick, maintain the distance.

Avoid going in between crowds and close contact. Further, wear a mask that fits you properly. It will come into use when you cannot distance yourself physically or the space is not well ventilated.

After that, keep cleaning your hands with a sanitiser. Make sure it is alcohol-based. If not, wash your hands with soap and water. Further, cover your mouth when you are coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have a mask, cover it with your bent elbow. Finally, self-isolate if you develop COVID-19 symptoms.

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