about millets
and in which climate does ot grow
It is generally grown between 40o North and 40o South of the equator, in warm and hot countries characteristic of the semi-arid environment. Pearl millet is a warm weather crop and grows best at 20 to 280 C. Pearl millet is more tolerant to higher temperatures than probably any other cultivated cereal.
Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food.
Millets are also known as Coarse grains and are basically divided into 3 main crops..
• Jowar
• Bajra
• Ragi
Millet can grow in moist or dry soils and will mature quickly. In the northeast, millet should be planted when the soil has warmed up to approximately 60 degrees, and is usually harvested in October. Oats do well in cool, moist climates and are often grown as a cover crop or interseeded as weed control