Biology, asked by zubairz32x, 1 year ago

about sandy soil 100 words​


Answered by Pɪᴋᴀᴄʜᴜɢɪʀʟ


Water erosion and control

Silty and sandy soils are most prone to water erosion, particularly in areas with a high rainfall and where the ground slopes. Fields very susceptible to erosion commonly have shallow channels or rills, or even larger deeper gullies, after heavy rain. Surface water runoff happens when the intensity of rainfall is so great that all the water cannot soak into the soil. Livestock management can also affect the amount of soil erosion and runoff in grassland. Grazing with large numbers of stock in wet conditions can cause serious poaching of the soil and compaction in the topsoil which can lead to an increased risk of runoff.

Some cropping systems are much more prone to water erosion than others. The most susceptible land use is when crops are harvested in the autumn under adverse soil conditions which can happen with forage maize and field vegetables. Long term leys and permanent pasture usually pose little risk. Soils with a good crop cover are much less susceptible than where there are fine seedbeds and or bare ground.

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Answered by anika107695


Sandy Soil

Sandy Soil is light, warm, dry and tend to be acidic and low in nutrients. Sandy soils are often known as light soils due to their high proportion of sand and little clay (clay weighs more than sand). These soils have quick water drainage and are easy to work with. Tropical sandy soils are prevalent in landscapes where felsic volcanic, or siliceous sedimentary rocks and their erosional products are found. They are also prevalent in desert regions, and as beach deposits and dunal features in coastal zones. Sandy soils generally drain well and hold little water. They are dry and warm in spring, so early sowing and planting can take place and they produce wonderful early vegetable crops. Sandy soils are often acid, so acid-loving plants thrive. Sandy soils lack the ability to hold nutrients and are not fertile. Sandy soils also feel gritty to the touch. Silt is the mid-size soil particle. Silt has good water-holding ability and good fertility char- acteristics. Sandy soils are generally more acid than clay soils and peaty soils are often excessively acid. If the soil is very acid, say a pH of 5 0 or below, it is inadvisable to apply a large quantity of lime in a single application in order to bring the pH value up to slight acidity or neutral. Composted animal manures, composted potting mix, or other composted materials are ideal, but wood chips, lawn clippings, saw dust, leaves, silage, finely divided organic matter of any kind will help to loosen up and aerate the soil. Commonly though sandy soils are light brown. Some are bright white while others are darkened by the presence of decomposed and decomposing organic matter. Volcanic sands can be black to red in color. When the percentage of sand is high in a specific soil than it is called sandy soil . It has the largest particle among different soil particles. Sandy soil is also known as “Light soil”. Generally, sandy soil is composed of- 35% sand and less than 15% silt and clay. It is great for Shrubs and bulbs such as Tulips, Tree mallow, Sun roses, Hibiscus. Vegetable root crops like carrots, parsnips and potatoes favour sandy soils. Lettuce, strawberries, peppers, corn, squash, zucchini, collard greens and tomatoes are grown commercially in sandy soils.

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