about school in hindi
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मेरे विद्यालय (Essay on my school in Hindi) का नाम बुद्धा पब्लिक है। ... मेरे विद्यालय में कक्षा 1 से 5वीं तक के सभी छात्र-छात्राओं के लिए पढ़ाई होती है। मेरा विद्यालय चारों ओर से Boundary द्वारा घेरा हुआ है। मेरे विद्यालय में 5 छतदार कमरा तथा 3 शौचालय, दो चापाकल एवं एक कार्यालय है।
Answer: School
A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools.
My school has a huge playground where I can play various outdoor games. I have many friends at my school where we study and play together. My school teachers are very kind and caring towards everyone. We celebrate all national functions at my school with great pomp and show.