about sea from the chapter treasure class 3
About 70% of the world is covered by water, and 97% of this water lies in the oceans and seas. The oceans have a major effect upon the weather, and they moderate the world’s climate. For example, water absorbs the Sun’s heat near the equator and surface currents distribute it around the earth warming the air and nearby landmasses in winter and cooling them in summer. Deep water circulation also helps distribute heat globally.
Oceans and seas supply most of the water that evaporates and then falls as rain in the water cycle. They are salty while rivers and lakes are fresh water. When salty water from the ocean mixes with fresh water, a special place called an estuary is formed.
There are four major oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic (listed in decreasing order of size). The Pacific Ocean is the largest and covers a third part of the Earth.