About teachers accountability towards the profession
1Research Scholar, Department of Education, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa.
2Teaching Associate, Department of Education, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa.
In India, the need of initial education and training of the would-be teacher for different levels of schools education is now well recognized. In higher education sector this need is yet to be appreciated by educational planner. Given the importance assigned to initial training of teacher, elaborate arrangement for initial preparation of school teachers has been made across the country. It is sad that the pre-service teacher preparation in the country is not well organised in its setting as well as in its curriculum.
In the world of development, education is determine the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the common people. Acceptable quality of education is very important. Their depends upon many factors such as infrastructure, teaching and learning methods and technology, education curriculum etc. And among these the most important factor is the 'teacher'. He is the sole responsible for optimizing the whole process of education, training and motivating the lerners. Teacher can also build the internet personality skills of the individual by interacting with them in daily basis. But like many others professional the teacher's also need initial education and training. There are various training conducted by the management of every school to develop the teaching process and methods which will not only help the students to learn more bt alo be easy for the teacher to teach the students properly and easily make them understand.