About ten sentence emergency answer plz.

1. The above picture is of a library, The library is a house of books. It is a place where there are large number of books available to be read.
2. Almost every school has a library.
3. The library has a positive impact on the academic performance of the students.
4. The readers can peacefully read the books there and also borrow them from the librarian.
5.There are so many books that you can find there, such as fiction, non-fiction books, reference books, literature books, GK books, books in a series, etc.
6. Education and the library is connected with each other.
7. Library is the source and storehouse of knowledge.
8. The library is an important part of the educational system.
9. In a library, you aren't allowed to talk, everyone should silently read their books.
10. No book is sold here.