about tense and tense type
The Tense :
The word - tense - means full of tension, i.e., stretched. So, in Grammar, the terms means the degree to which a verb can be stretched in terms of -
(a) time of its action
(b)continuance of its action
(c)degree of completeness of its action.
The tense of a verb is its form that indicates the time, continuance and the degree of completeness of its action.
Three Tenses :
There are three general divisions of time. They are --
(a) Present
(b) Past
(c) Future
Observe the following three sentences :
1. The beggar sits by the road-side.
1. The beggar sits by the road-side.2. The beggar sat by the road-side.
1. The beggar sits by the road-side.2. The beggar sat by the road-side. 3. The beggar will sit by the road-side.
(a) Sentence 1 indicates that the action of sitting takes place in the time going on now, i.e., present time.
(b) Sentence 2 indicates that the action of sitting took place in the time gone by, i.e., past time.
(c) Sentence 3 indicates that the action of sitting will take place in the time to come, i.e., future time.
It is clear that an action can take place in any of these three divisions of time so there are three tenses in all :
1. The Present Tense
2. The Parents Tense
3. The Future Tense
The Present Tense :
The present tense shows the forms of verb which indicate that the action is done in the present time. But when the continuance and completeness of the action is taken into account, we see that there can be four forms of the present tense.
There are four forms of the Present Tense :
1. Present Indefinite Tense
2. Present Continuous Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
The Past Tense :
The Past tense shows the forms of verb which indicates that the action is done in the time gone by. But when the continuance and completeness of the action are taken into account, we see that there can be four forms of the Past tense just as they are of the Present tense.
There are four forms of the Past tense :
1. Past Indefinite Tense
2. Past Continuous Tense
3. Past Perfect Tense
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
The Future Tense :
The future tense shows the forms of a verb to indicate that the action is to be done in the time to come. But when the continuance and completeness of the action are taken into account, we see that there can be four forms of the Future tense just as they are of the Present and the Past tenses.
There are four forms of the Future tense:
1. Future Indefinite Tense
2. Future Continuous Tense
3. Future Perfect Tense
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense