English, asked by Diyaaaa6267, 7 months ago

About the moon in english essay


Answered by Namaya


The moon is the only satellite of the earth. It is a bright object in the night sky. It does not have any light of its own but reflects the light of the sun. The moon is approximately 238000 miles away from the earth and hence looks small. It takes around twenty eight days to revolve around the earth and approximately the same time to complete one rotation. There is no atmosphere or air on the moon. So, there are no life forms on the moon.

The surface of the moon is rough and rugged. There are mountains and craters on its surface. Thus there are dark spots seen on the surface of the moon. The force of gravity is weak on the moon as compared to the earth; it is 1/6th of the earth's gravity. The moon has its phases. The days we see the complete moon, it is called a full moon. A moonlit night on a full moon night is really beautiful. Then it moves into different phases until we arrive at the new moon, where the moon cannot be seen in the night sky. Another interesting fact is that we can see only one side of the moon.

The moon also causes the high tide and low tide to happen to water bodies such as seas and oceans on the earth. The moon attracts the earth; and when the earth gets attracted to the moon, the water surfaces also get attracted and swell up, which finally results in the high tide. When the water subsequently recedes, it is said to be a low tide.

Several countries had led expeditions to the moon. The first people to land on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. After that several expeditions were made to the moon by countries like Russia and USA. Indian explorers are also thinking of landing on the moon. Thus with the help of technology we may be able to learn some more facts about the moon in the future. Pls mark as brainlist

Answered by mahadev7599


The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. The moon orbits the Earth from 384,400 km and has an average speed of 3700 km per hour. It has a diameter of 3476 km, which is about ¼ that of the Earth.

The moon is the second brightest object in the sky after the sun. The gravitational forces between the Earth and the moon cause some interesting effects; tides are the most obvious. The moon has no atmosphere, but there is evidence that there may be water ice in some deep craters near the moon’s North and South Pole that are permanently shaded.

Most of the moon’s surface is covered with regality, which is a mixture of fine dust and rocky debris produced by meteor impact. There are two types of terrain on the moon. One is the heavily cratered and very old highland. The others are the relatively smooth younger craters that were flooded with molten lava.

Through the 19th and 20th centuries, visual exploration through powerful telescopes has fielded a fairly comprehensive picture of the visible side of the moon. The hitherto unseen far side of the moon was first revealed to the world in October 1959 through photographs made by the Soviet Lunik III spacecraft.

This photograph showed that the far side of die moon is similar to the near side except that large lunar Maria is absent. Craters arc now known to cover the entire moon, ranging in size from huge, ringed Maria to those of microscopic size. The entire moon has about 3 trillion craters larger than about 1 m in diameter.

The moon shows different phases as it moves along its orbit around the earth. Half the moon is always in sunlight, just as half the earth has day while the other half has night. The phases of the moon depend on how much of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time. In the new moon, the face is completely in shadow.

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