Abstract noun for prove
"The abstract noun of prove is proof.
An abstract noun is an idea, idea, concept, action, state or quality than any object such as danger, truth, happiness etc.
They are also known as concrete nouns that are tangible and can be experienced by an individual.
However, you cannot touch or see an abstract noun but the things that came out of it can be seen.
The abstract noun for prove is proof.
Proof means any statement that proves as a piece of evidence. An abstract noun is an idea, a state, or a feeling. It cannot be stated or quantified in 'accurate terms', neither is it countable or touchable.
It is not finite and can only be stated as a feeling or a state. It cannot be touched or felt.
An abstract noun refers to intangible things. Other examples of abstract nouns are truth, happiness, bliss, solitude. Subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry etc are also abstract Nouns.