Accidents happen when people violate trac rules. Careless drivers cause suffering to themselves and to others. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on "Safe Driving".
Every day people die on the roads due to reckless driving, speeding, drink and drive etc and we blame the government for failing to provide good roads. But as responsible citizens, we can make the roads safer for all by simply following some basic traffic rules.
Traffic rules are for us, and not for the policemen. We have to obey these rules; we have to save our lives and the lives of others. We just can’t blame the government for everything. Your life is precious; don’t lose it just to gain a minute.
There are a lot of people who dislike authority and traffic rules are a type of authority. These people will not only disobey traffic laws they will most likely disobey other laws as well.
Other people have a type A personality and are always in a hurry to get nowhere. These people will constantly disobey speed laws, run red lights etc. as they are so self important and self absorbed they just don’t care about others on the road. These people also tend to leave the scene of accidents. In my opinion they are the most dangerous drivers on the road.
Other people might just be late for appointments or work and deliberately disobey the traffic laws to be on time.
Then there are the man children who have purchased a souped up vehicle at mid or late ages and are trying to show off and recapture their youth. You can spot these idiots as they are constantly looking around to see who is looking at their cars. They have the need for constant attention and have never grown up into adulthood despite their ages.
There are a lot of other reasons and these are just a few instances of the amount of idiotic dangerous drivers on the road.
I may define traffic rules as “logical conclusions arrived for the SAFE and speedy movement of PEDESTRIANS and vehicles”.
The exceptations to the above is the side of the road to be used for movement of vehicles. (Here it's the right side) and the definitions of the various types of roads, like path, lane, single lane, double lane, multi lane, etc.
Then comes the logical application. The first being right of way, followed by other rules. Rules must keep changing with increase in speed allowed and increase in lanes. This is not happening.
The authorities themselves do not know the rules, so how do you expect others to know it. In an RTI to a SI's, an DySP's and MVI's office on if there is a straight signal and if not why hazard signal is being used as straight signal, the replies were, it's as per rules, vague answer and not allowed, respectively. International sign are being used, which have not been recognised in our rule books. An example is the white and yellow full line. As per our rules the white full line is no crossing, whereas as per international convention, it's a marking to take care with yellow being no crossing. I found a lot of yellow lines, that too multiple ones across the renovated road between Kottayam to Ettumanoor, with white full lines before pedestrian crossings. In short, vehicles are not meant to ply on this road? Even if international conventions are used, the white full lines seen just before many pedestrian crossings, make them useless, as there in no distance between the crossing and the line for the vehicle to slow down. Many many more such idioticity. Further to this, an unwritten rule says that the bigger vehicle is responsible for an accident, with pedestrians not at all responsible.
Others who disobey the traffic rules merely are impatient, like in instances when they see no car or person on the other side, while there’s a red light.
Others find it thrilling to break rules, whether traffic-related or not. This is common in teenagers who are trying to get an adrenaline high.
Praveen, a young boy has a habit of avoiding zebra crossing and he crosses the road without considering the trespassers and the vehicles passing by.
He does not care about looking to either side of the road before he attempts to cross.
One bad day, he noticed a motorist who was riding his motorcycle very fast.
He decided to make some pranks. When the motorist came near to him, he stepped on, to cross the road hoping he will get through it.
But unfortunately, he was hit by the motorist and was injured.
Even the bike rider was hurt badly with his leg sprained and elbows fractured.
People near to them got cluttered around them and took the rider to the nearby hospital as he was badly injured.
People blamed Praveen for the accident and they rang his father to deliver the message.
Praveen's father decided to pay the hospital bills of the rider as it was his son's mistake.
On the other side, without following the traffic signals, a motorist has just hit the old woman who was crossing the road. responsibility lies in all the hands.
Approximately 1.35 million people die each year meeting with road accidents.
So please follow the rules and avoid facing accidents.